The School Council is composed of members of the Antonian community, primarily current or former parents/guardians of Antonian students. The Council serves as an advisory entity to support the Principal and the Administration in areas of finance, school enhancement, policy development, marketing, and strategic planning.

Shauna Goodman - SB Secretary

Shauna Goodman


Brian Tramontano - SB VP

Brian Tramontano

Vice President

Lorrie Tijerina - School Council

Lorrie Tijerina



Giovanni DeGerolami


Matt Dotin - SB

Matt Dotin


Bill Hall - School Council Member

Bill Hall


Rudy Garza - SB

Michael Martinez


Brent Mora

Brent Mora


The  Advisory Council meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Library unless there is a school or council conflict. If a date change is required, council will advise the ACP Community of the new date in the weekly newsletter. 

All meetings of the Council, both regular and special, shall be open to the public unless the president or the Council by consensus deems it necessary to go into executive session for discussion, deliberation, or vote. If any person other than a member of the Council wishes to bring a matter before the Council such a person must submit in writing to the president, a brief but concise summary of the matter that is to be considered, seven days prior to the meeting. The Council will act on matters relating to policy. The Council does not act as a grievance committee.



Section 1; The Council shall be consultative to the Principal in all school matters for which the Principal seeks the Council's advice and expertise.

Section 2· The Council shall give advice to the Principal and the Pastor on financial matters concerning the School. 

Section 3: The Council with the Principal shall formulate and monitor the school's budget.

Section 4: The Council shall formulate and propose written policies. The policies are designed to further the mission and goals of the school and are subject to the approval of the Pastor.

Section 5: The Council shall continually monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of its policies.

Section 6: The Council will research, develop and communicate for itself and the school specific actions and strategies for a


five year plan. The plan will be reviewed and updated annually.